Custom Caps
What can you customize?




Design levels available are standard semi-custom (uses an existing pattern, you choose the style, fabric, and closure), adjusted semi-custom (use an existing pattern on which you can modify several different measurements while choosing style, fabric, and closure), and full custom (creates a new pattern from the ground up to fit your specific contours, you choose fabric and closure).
Single Layer or Double Layer?
To choose single or double layer is a question of finding what makes you feel comfortable. Some professionals run hot, so prefer single layers. Some of our testers said they run hot, then tried Palettorium's double layer caps with the ear-to-ear sweatband & inner layer made of long-staple high absorbency Kona cotton, and found them to be quite comfortable. Whether you want one layer or two, the added convenience of the sweatband or no sweatband, Palettorium has you covered. Your choice. Your way. Dressing your cranium in custom comfort and style is what we do.
Have You Visited Our Fabric Library?
The Palettorium Fabric Library is where you can see representations of the more than 100 fabric choices (prints, solids, and terrycloth) you have with which to customize your scrub caps. The Ready to Ship page displays finished caps that are currently in stock and will show the proportions of prints. Please make note of the names of the fabric you like in order to personalize your style.

■ Cap Style Choice
■ Fabric Choice
■ Size Choice
■ Closure Style Choice
■ Snaps Choice (on Baseball Closure)
■ Standard Pricing on Custom Pattern Purchases
from $17.10 on up
from $26.10 on up
■ Cap Style Choice
■ Fabric Choice
■ Size Choice
■ Closure Style Choice
■ Snaps Choice (on Baseball Closure)
■ Depth Adjustment
■ Tie Length/Width Adjustment
■ Custom Pattern Creation
■ Future Standard Pricing on Custom Pattern Purchases
from $19 on up (plus one-time $25 tailoring adjustment)
from $29 on up (plus one-time $25 tailoring adjustment)
■ Cap Style Choice
■ Fabric Choice
■ Size Choice
■ Closure Style Choice
■ Snaps Choice (on Baseball Closure)
■ Full Custom Tailoring Ground Up (plaster casting for contoured fit)
■ Custom Closure
■ Custom Pattern Creation
■ Fitting Caps for Tailoring
■ Finished Caps from Custom Pattern
■ Plaster Cast Archived for Future Tailoring Needs
■ Best Standard Custom Pricing on Future Purchases from Pattern
■ Global Purchase Discount (time-limited)
■ Bespoke and Bespoke Light Options
from $349 on up